Take a look at the foundations.

Dhammajarinee Witthaya School

I haven't visited this extra ordinary foundation yet, but it is on my list for 2024 and I will give you even more insights afterwards. The mission of Dhammajarinee Witthaya School in Thainland is powerful: Provide a safe home and quality education, kindergarten to grade 12, for underserved girls in Thailand—helping break the cycle of poverty and a lack of opportunity.

Female Empowerment

High Atlas Foundation

During my travels through Morocco I came across HAF, a female empowerment foundation based in Marrakech. Their Female Empowerment Workshop enables participants to create the life they most want. HAF aims to strengthen women as rights holders by providing tools to advocate and act on their needs and goals. Key areas of their workshop is emotions, relationships, sexuality, body, money, work and discovery. Read more here.‍

Female Empowerment


PSYDEH [see-day] is a majority-women-led Mexican grassroots non-profit organization investing in rural and Indigenous women as local leaders to propel social and economic development in their communities. Read more here.

Female Empowerment


MAIA is an organization led by Indigenous women for Indigenous girls. MAIA is an educational organization in Guatemala that breaks cycles of poverty, discrimination, and injustice through the education and empowerment of Indigenous girls. At MAIA, they connect talent with opportunity, maximizing the potential of these young women to lead transformational change in their lives, families, and communities. One of their main programs is the MAIA Impact School, Central America’s first secondary school specifically designed to connect the talents of rural Indigenous young women with the opportunities of the 21st century.

Female Empowerment
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